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The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

How Teachers are Dealing with Mass COVID-19 Related Absences

Samantha Ramirez, Writer January 31, 2022

As of late, Downey High School along with high schools across the state are being heavily affected by a surge in Coronavirus cases. Prior to California’s K-12 schools going out for winter break, the...

Teachers Going Back to School

Teachers Going Back to School

Sam Duque, Illustrator April 22, 2021

“This Place Has History”

Aimee-Nicole Torres, Community/Parent & Teachers Editor February 16, 2016

In Downey High’s X building, Biology teacher Mr. Zuniga shares the great things about being a teacher here at Downey, Feb. 1.

On Oct. 8, in room C-114, Mr. Massey reviews graphing quadratic functions in standard form, with his Algebra II, for the next math lesson. “I’m most excited about officially being apart of the Downey family and continuing to improve as an educator,” Mr. Massey said.

Here to stay

Mia Dixon-Slaughter, Co-Editor-in-Cheif October 29, 2014

Downey High School’s long-term substitute teacher, Anthony Massey, is now a permanent teacher this 2014-15 school year. Massey has taken over Algebra II and Geometry classes of former math teacher, Rodney...

Five Questions with Mrs. Overgaauw

Five Questions with Mrs. Overgaauw

Sara Cabrera, Writer/ Copy Editor March 1, 2013

Mrs. Overgaauw began her career in teaching and coaching track and field after previously dealing black jack at Harrah’s casino in Lake Tahoe.     Q1. When and why did you begin dealing...

Cooking with math

Cooking with math

Marilyn Ramirez, Copy Editor/Co-Editor-in-Chief June 1, 2012

Mr. Bradfield’s Algebra II classes were taken outside the classroom as they created their own hot dog cookers, from May 21- May 25, during both lunches. Since the previous week held grueling review work...

Five Questions with Mr. Armendariz

Five Questions with Mr. Armendariz

March 12, 2012

What inspired you to come up with this unique proposition of bleaching/dyeing your hair? It actually started out as a joke. A few teachers and I were talking about ideas on raising a lot of money...

Adding sass to class

Larissa Hernandez June 2, 2010

Out of the many teachers on campus, Mr. Casarez changes the standards of the “average” teacher by coordinating pastel colored ensembles with skinny belts to give himself a vintage flair. Casarez,...

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