![4/25/20: “It’s scary because over the news you hear about people dying. I was scared and I wore a face mask. Only one person was allowed into the room unlike my last pregnancy, [so] I was so happy to come home. It’s difficult because we have to tell people no they can’t see the baby as a precaution to not get her sick. They’re seeing the baby through videos, Facetime, and it’s crazy! I’m panicked; it’s really hard to do everything (anybody can get her sick) - emotionally draining.”](https://www.thedowneylegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Amelia-Gonzalez.jpg)
Giving Birth In Quarantine
Jocelyn Rosillo, Writer
• May 25, 2020

Counselor, teacher, coach, friend
Joey Flores, News Editor
• December 7, 2012
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