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The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

On Nov. 30, Comedy Sports members Hector Gonzalez,10, Javier Navarro,12, Justina Clark,12, and Jonathon Larson,12, come together to create a skit about pie in the theater to show students their love for humor. “The strongest factor is definitely the lifelong bonds all the players create with each other in order to be comfortable on stage with one another,” Narvarro said. “In Comedy Sports, we are family.”

Unpredictable comedy

Brenda Lopez, Writer December 7, 2012

The Comedy Sportz High School League presented their second performance of the year on Nov. 28, as seniors Justina Clarkrose and Jonathan Larson and sophomore Hector Gonzalez took on their first game with...

All that jazz

All that jazz

Vivian Buenrostro, Co-Editor-in-Cheif November 15, 2012

On Halloween night, the music department hosted the annual jazz concert that included performances by two different level jazz bands and Jazz Choir.   The concert began at 7:00 p.m. with music...

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