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The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

Throughout the week of Oct. 15 to Oct. 19, Downey High School’s ASB encourages students to display qualities of the six pillars of character, during Character Counts week, by plastering posters around campus.  “It was hard to spread this around the student body, but even if it gets to one persons, it’s enough,” Jenifer Sicardi, 12, said.

Character does count

Vivian Buenrostro, Co-Editor-in-Cheif October 27, 2012

From Oct. 15-19, Downey High School’s ASB promoted Character Counts Week by raising the spirit of the student body with walls of posters around campus. By doing this, ASB hoped to highlight the necessity...

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character counts week