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The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

On Jan. 25, during the Black Light Assembly, the Downey drum line performs with glow in the dark paint in the gym to support the boys’ and girls’ basketball teams. Because of a lack of space, administration decided to exclude underclassmen from the assembly for the first time.

Lights off for an Electric Downey Carnival

Norma Flores, Sports Editor January 30, 2013

A highly anticipated assembly by the student body at Downey High School became an exclusive senior activity on January 25, in the gym during period 3, as the upper classmen experienced the Electric Downey...

On October 2, Mr. De La Torre broke out dancing in room B-107, to express his love for break dancing, even though he is primarily known for teaching Honors Geometry on campus. “I’ve liked dancing since I was a little kid, but I never really performed till now,” De La Torre said.

Surprising passion

Sara Cabrera, Writer/ Copy Editor November 15, 2012

Not only known for his teaching skills, Mr. De La Torre, a Trigonometry/Pre -Calculus and Geometry teacher, is a passionate breakdancer who has been perfecting his talent for roughly 4 years now.   His...

Out of the light and into the dark

Kathy Ochoa, Writer February 10, 2012

On February 27 the black light rally was held in the gym to honor the winter sports. For Downey High this has been a tradition for years and its one of the most anticipated rallies of the school year....

11 memorable aspects of 2011

11 memorable aspects of 2011

June 14, 2011

As the school year comes to an end, students across campus begin to reminisce on the memorable moments that made 2011 unique. 11. Black-Light Assembly- Once the month of Feb. arrived, ASB began to prepare...

PTA: March 2011

PTA: March 2011

Roy Mendoza, Copy Editor March 21, 2011

In an effort to inform parents, the PTA met on March 14 to discuss both the previous and upcoming events for the month. First to take the stage was Principal Tom Houts, as it was time to give his monthly...

Black Light Assembly

Cassandra Meuret March 1, 2010

A diligent combination of students and staff hosted the “world famous” Black Light Assembly on Thursday, Feb. 11 to honor winter sports, promote school spirit, and encourage students to support the...

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Black Light Assembly