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The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

Rodas Hailu

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Downey Legend, leads the 2013-2014 staff into a busy and exciting year, introducing them to the journalistic world and all its wonders. The writer and photographer first entered the online newspaper as a junior, landing the position of Student Life Editor and turned heads when her stories revealed a seemingly natural instinct for investigative journalism. One year in newspaper left Hailu craving more: a position of leadership where she could let her ideas flourish and create a more successful website. As this year’s editor, she hopes to lead her team into greatness and provide a comfortable workspace. According to the senior, there is no room for mediocrity in the online newspaper. “I don’t want the writers and photographers to be apathetic at all,” Hailu said. “If they are in The Downey Legend, they are in The Downey Legend.” Full force and with great efforts, the talented student hopes to heighten the newspaper’s popularity and implement new ideas, hopefully capturing a new, wider audience.


The senior, who is often described as an old soul, admires classical music and is moved by each powerful note in pieces composed by Prokofiev, Shostakovich, and Khatchaturian. A violinist of 7 years, her appreciation for works of art extends to cinema, and claims to be an avid movie watcher. “I really love to watch movies with a good script, amazing characters, and wonderful cinematography,” Hailu said. With a sixth sense for different forms of human creativity, she hopes to become a student in a liberal arts college and experience the intimacy of a less populated university. The future awaits Hailu, a force to be reckoned with in the arts field, and she predicts she will be living on her own because of her “innate independence.” Living day by day and constantly telling herself, “whatever happens, happens,” she tunnels her focus on The Downey Legend and its future success. A true leader with a mind coiled with layers of depth, Hailu reveals bits and pieces of her vision through her various works or art, photographs and stories.

All content by Rodas Hailu

High Ball Stepper

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
April 2, 2014

A crime is a crime

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
February 25, 2014
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, better known as FAFSA, is an application that provides high school students with financial resources when entering college and furthering their education. The FAFSAs are required by numerous colleges and universities and is used to determine a student’s eligibility for federal, state, and college-sponsored aid, including grants, educational loans, and work-study programs.

Time to get some money

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
January 22, 2014
On Fri., Dec. 6, the Stay Gallery partners up with True Lasting Connections to conduct a toy drive. Members of the Downey community brought toys of a ten-dollar value or more, enjoyed the art and entertainment, and ate free pizza.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
December 13, 2013
On Fri. Nov. 8, British director Steve McQueen releases his third feature film, 12 Years a Slave, to American audiences. The film, based on the autobiography, followed Solomon Northup, a free African American who was captured and became a slave in the Southern plantations.

I will survive

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
November 15, 2013
At The Downey Civic Theater, on Sat., Oct. 26, David Brighton as George Harrison, and Gilbert Bonilla, as John Lennon, perform “A Hard Day’s Night” by The Beatles. “We love you George!” a fan screamed from the audience as Brighton sang his part of the song.

She’s got a ticket to ride

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
November 4, 2013
As a fan of the zombie horror television series, The Walking Dead, Kevin Perez, 12, wears a shirt based on the show to display his appreciation for the program. The Walking Dead, which airs on AMC,  returned on Sunday, October 13. with a record 16 million viewers who tuned in to watch the fourth season premiere.

Zombies at Downey

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
October 23, 2013
Until Oct. 11, Stay Gallery closes due to its reconstruction, to add and raise the ceiling, creating the illusion that it is larger. The re-opening event will be Bones of Steel, an industrial sculpture exhibit by Christian Castro.

Artistic passions revisited

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
October 7, 2013
On Wednesday, May 22, Crescendo vocalists Rudy Amaya, 10, Justin Ortiz, 12, and Frank Macias, 11, perform solos in “Home”, arranged by Greg Gilpin with The Viking Singers, in the Downey High theatre during the 2013 Spring Concert.  The three Crescendo vocalists ended the night with the Crescendo Choir singing “Peze Kafé”.

A night of musical wonders

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
June 4, 2013

2013 Cannes Film Festival

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
May 31, 2013
At the 2013 Dance Review, the ROP Dance 2 team performs “Missy Beat,” which was choreographed by senior Cassie Garcia.

[Photo] Dance your heart out

Mia Dixon-Slaughter, Co-Editor-in-Cheif
May 21, 2013
At the Town and Country Hotel in San Diego, KIWIN’S was presented with a total of six awards during the weekend of April 19 through the 21 for their progress and effort towards their club. The awards that KIWIN’S won were: Distinguished Club, Single Fundraiser, District Project, Kiwanis Adviser Hall of Fame, Video Contest, and T-shirt Design.

A year of success recognized

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
April 26, 2013
On Friday, April 12, Jarrid Reyes, 11, Ricardo Perez, 11, Luis Rojas, 11, David Sanchez, 11, Eric Escarciga, 11, and Juan Nuñez, 11, show off their “Not So Casual Friday” trend at their hangout spot after the spring rally.  The “Not So Casual Friday” boys have continued their trend every Friday for nearly 4 months.

Dress shirts and ties, oh my!

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
April 10, 2013
The 2013 Speed Skating Nationals are held in Oklahoma, Nebraska, where Stacy Caprilli, 11, goes to compete with two world champions and placesin third on March 13-15. Caprilli is the 2012 California state champion in the Junior Women’s Division.

The girl on the ice

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
March 29, 2013
In attempts to help bring in more donations for Relay for Life, math teacher Eric Bradfield and his band, DTC, perform during both lunches on Thur March 21, in the gym.  The band performed a series of grunge songs including works originally by Nirvana and Pearl Jam.

Rocking out for Relay for Life

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
March 29, 2013
Five Questions with Nayeli Quintero

Five Questions with Nayeli Quintero

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
March 13, 2013
On Tuesday, Feb. 26, Cory Trujillo, 11, fills out the ballot to choose the board members for the 2013-2014 Key Club. The contestants will receive the results by Friday, Feb. 8.

Student elections, Key Club style

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
March 1, 2013
Participants from Downey and Warren High wait for the winner to be announced at the Third Annual Downey Lion’s Club Speaker’s Contest.

Practicing the skill of public speaking

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
February 14, 2013
From her last day of school as a former student at Downey High, Ms. Gunderson holds a picture taken with her and her former AP Calculus teacher, Mr. Bremer, who inspired her to become the math instructor she is today.

[Photo] Her struggle was her destiny

Sara Cabrera, Writer/ Copy Editor
February 20, 2013
Since 1991, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Falcon, Mrs. Roybal, and Mr.Weisenburger have been staff members at DHS and were chosen to be part of the faculty quiz. “WOW! Is that Mrs. Roybal, said Sindy Roa, 12, she looks so different!”

Can you guess who your teachers are?

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
January 30, 2013
Starting in February after school select Downey High School juniors and seniors, who applied will participate in a student—tutoring program to assist sophomores with their writing skills.  This program, officially known as the writing lab, has fallen under the supervision of English teachers: Ms. Stratford, Mrs. Carlson, and Mrs. Bean.

Lending a hand to striving writers

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
January 18, 2013
On Thursday, December 13, students gather in room C-106 to read the new novel The Hobbit. Club members will walk to the Krikorian theatre on Dec. 21 for  the new released film.

Reading into the world of fantasy

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
December 21, 2012
As a way to promote the ROP classes on campus, Alyssa Talavera, 11, films Bryan Walker, 12, from the ROP Principles of Education class, during her ROP Film and Video Productions hour. “When I chose this class,” Talavera said, “I was really surprised how I learned so much in very little time.”

The study of filming

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
December 7, 2012
In room B-214, Mrs. Neria feeds Kitsia Arenas, 12, samples of different liquids to experiment with her taste buds as students cover their eyes to gain knowledge about the factors that affect the sense of taste. “Teaching Psychology has been different from the other social studies classes that I have taught because of the experiments,” Mrs. Neria said. “Since it is my first time teaching the subject, sometimes the experiments do not go as I have planned, but my students are patient and kind.”

New class, same enthusiasm

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
December 7, 2012
Helping out the rest

Helping out the rest

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
December 5, 2012
At lunch, Amy Lopez, 10, enjoys fruit that is available at the Downey High School cafeteria to help the students maintain a healthy diet. “As much as I’d rather have chips over apples,” Lopez said, “at least I know it’s healthy.”

Providing a healthy choice

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
November 15, 2012
Smooth rhymes fill the halls of DHS during sixth period as Mr. Olariu enlightens his students with jazz, during an advanced jazz lesson, in room L-102, to prepare for the fall jazz concert on October 31. Teaching at DHS since 2001, Mr. Olariu was taught to play a variety of music when he first attended college, at the age of twenty-one, and started his career playing a trumpet at a local bar in Russia.

Striving for the gold

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
October 26, 2012
Rising success in a foreign land

Rising success in a foreign land

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
October 25, 2012
The principal of Griffiths Middle School, Mr Stapp, and current drummer for the school’s band, Julian Thomas, 8, show off their “Support Music” wristbands for an ongoing cause. Over the summer the instruments were stolen, so the music department immediately came to action by selling wristbands for $5 each, as a way to fundraise in order to purchase new equipment.

Triumph over a loss

Rodas Hailu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
October 3, 2012
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Rodas Hailu