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The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

The School Newspaper of Downey High School

The Downey Legend

Amanda Lira

Amanda Lira, Photographer/Photo Editor

Among the returning members of The Downey Legend is Amanda Lira, who had personal motives to join the online newspaper. Lira who currently holds the position of Photo Editor was in junior high when she began to take an interest in photography and decided her dream was to work for a magazine. However, as time passed her gears began to shift toward medicine; but in spite of that, she never lost her passion for photography. “I joined ROP for sports medicine; my goal is to be in Skills USA this year,” Lira said. “I also decided to return to newspaper to meet new people and to feel like a part of something; we are like a little family.” Lira’s current dream is to attend San Francisco State and major in physical therapy.


Aside from photography and medicine, Lira enjoys going to the beach with her cousin Lupe and watching Johnny Depp and Bradley Cooper movies. Lira’s aspirations have guided her decisions, from choosing to apply for newspaper, and taking ROP sports medicine. “I think it’s a big achievement¾becoming Photo Editor, and this year I plan on giving it everything,” Lira said. “It’s my senior year and the first step to getting where I want to be.”

All content by Amanda Lira

[Photo] 5 Questions with Osvaldo Zamora

Lucy Hernandez, Writer/Public Relations Manager/ News Editor
March 7, 2014
During Mrs. Ortiz’s maternity leave in November, her sister, Ms. Flores, manages the library until her return in March. Mrs. Ortiz said the hardest part of returning is missing her newborn daughter, Eva Catalina.

[Photo] 5 Questions with Mrs. Ortiz

Moises Martinez, Community Section Editor
March 7, 2014
During her senior year, Valerie Iwamoto applies for local scholarships in hopes of getting extra money to pay for college finances. Seniors have to submit applications, resumes, and an essay for the local scholarships by Fri., Jan. 17.

[Photo] Money is in the air

Gabriela Sanchez, Arts and Entertainment Editor
January 24, 2014
On Friday, Nov. 22, director Francis Lawrence releases The Hunger Games: Catching Fire in the United States to continue The Hunger Games franchise based on the books by Suzanne Collins. “Atlas” by alternative rock band Coldplay peaked high on the charts as the lead single for the movie’s soundtrack.

[Photo] Quickly Catching Fire

Edward Valencia, Writer/Parents and Teachers Editor
December 13, 2013
As football season starts, Aron Ramirez, 11, shows his appreciation for the sport by playing Fantasy Football online with other fanatics.  Players draft NFL players to form Fantasy Football leagues and compete with others.

[Photo] Fantasy zone

Vivian Buenrostro, Co-Editor-in-Cheif
November 15, 2013
On Thurs., Oct. 31, Mr. Roger Rios reminisces about his rocker days and playing guitar with The Mosleys, a surf garage band he was a member of during his teenage years. “It was a joke to us because we weren’t trying to make it big,” Rios said. “We turned down three record deals and many gigs.”

[Photo] Once a rocker, always a rocker

Moises Martinez Cortez, Writer/Community Editor
November 1, 2013
For the month of September, ASB members announce English teacher, Mr. David Kraus, as Teacher of the Month. Mr. Kraus has been teaching English at Downey High for the past four years.

[Photo] A long time coming

Edward Valencia, Writer/Parents and Teachers Editor
October 18, 2013
Tristan Esparza_72

[Photo] Five Questions with Tristan Esparza

Sara Cabrera, Writer/ Copy Editor
October 8, 2013
On Friday, May 24 junior Amanda Azurduy rehearses her routine before auditioning in front of the judges to become part of the 2013-2014 cheer team. The upcoming cheerleaders learned routines from May 20-23 and showed their potential to judges on May 24.

[Photo] Ready? Ok!

Sara Cabrera, Writer/ Copy Editor
May 31, 2013
In the Krikorian Theater, Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man 3 premieres on May 3 for Marvel Comic fans. The award-winning sequel made $1 billion on opening night and has managed to remain the top movie two weeks after its release.

[Photo] Iron Man Review

Marilyn Ramirez, Copy Editor/Co-Editor-in-Chief
May 20, 2013
During The World of Dance Tour at the L.A. Convention Center on April 6, Cassandra Garcia, 12, won first place for her hip-hop dance routine. “It felt amazing while performing,” Garcia said, “We put so many hours to practice and it paid off.”

[Photo] Dancing to first place

Mia Dixon-Slaughter, Co-Editor-in-Cheif
April 19, 2013
While dealing with life as a senior, Miguel Lozano takes on an extracurricular activity by working at Disneyland to make money. Lozano will start his training to operate rides on April 13.

[Photo] Taking on the job

Hanna Suarez, Editor-in-Chief
March 29, 2013
On Friday, March 1, senior, Mario Galvan shares his story about battling cancer during the March Madness fundraiser for Relay for Life. Galvan was Homecoming King and a member of the varsity football and varsity soccer teams.

[Photo] Finding a cure together

Norma Flores, Sports Editor
March 15, 2013
From Jan. 28 to Feb. 8, students and staff members of Downey High donate jeans to help aid homeless teens in America. Their goal was to beat last year’s record of collecting 2,055 jeans.

[Photo] Denim donations

Mia Dixon-Slaughter, Co-Editor-in-Cheif
February 14, 2013
On Thursday, Jan. 31 the residents of Downey attend an author study with Tommy Greenwald to discuss his book series in the Cormack Room at the Downey City Library. Greenwald is inspired by his surroundings and real life situations.

[Photo] The man behind Charlie Joe Jackson

Gabriela Sanchez, Arts and Entertainment Editor
February 8, 2013
From Jan. 8 to Jan. 18, Bernice Mendez, 11, takes part in the U.S. History challenge, where students and teachers wear the same clothes for two weeks to see how difficult times were during the Great Depression. “I feel so filthy everyday even though we could wash our clothes,” Mendez said, “I’m not wearing these clothes for months after.”

[Photo] An era never forgotten

Sara Cabrera, Writer/ Copy Editor
January 16, 2013
On Tuesday, Jan. 8, Mr. Hobbensiefken scores against the Power 106 team during the basketball game to help fundraise money for Club Entourage in the DHS gym. The celebrity guest, Clyde Carson performed “Slow Down,” during half time.

[Photo] Downey Staff vs. Power 106

Vivian Buenrostro, Co-Editor-in-Cheif
January 11, 2013
On Saturday, Nov. 10, Joy Miley, 12, helps the varsity volleyball team score against Los Osos High School, in Rancho Cucamonga, during their second round of CIF. The Vikings lost 0-3 and did not make it to the third round of CIF.

[Photo] Fall sports take it all

Norma Flores, Sports Editor
November 15, 2012
To ask Marlyn Leon, 12, to Homecoming, Alejandro Jaramillo, 12, waits with his friend, Eric Lopez, 11 ,on Thursday, October 18, 2012 at the quad. “I thought it was really funny because we used to call him Tarzan because he had long hair, it was kind of an inside joke,” Leon said, “I couldn’t believe he actually climbed a tree.”

[Photo] Making it impossible to say no

Sara Cabrera, Writer/ Copy Editor
October 25, 2012
In room Y-2, Adrianna Casas, 12 , shows her appreciation for art while working on her new piece for AP Studio Art, on Monday, October 22. “My inspirations came from my older brother and my grandma,” Casas said, “I guess music inspired me as well.”

[Photo] Drawing her future

Sara Cabrera, Writer/ Copy Editor
October 27, 2012
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Amanda Lira