Ashley Lozano, Business Manager
Ashley Lozano, 17-year-old senior at Downey High, is this year’s Business Manager and staff photographer for The Downey Legend. Lozano’s hobbies include taking pictures, going to Disneyland, and hanging out with friends. She wants to become a better photographer and be more involved with the school, which is why she joined the newspaper. “I think the newspaper is a great way to meet and talk to new people and get more involved in school activities,” Lozano said. Her goals include making The Downey Legend more popular among students and to get more viewers. She’s part of the business team because she wants to get the word out about the site while becoming the best Business Manager The Downey Legend has had. She also hopes to make this a memorable year.
Lozano wants to leave the classroom a better photographer, and wants to travel all over Europe someday. She always liked taking pictures and started show an interest for it because her best friend’s brother is a photographer. Her parents bought her a Canon Rebel T3 camera, giving her an even bigger interest in photography; she also grew closer to enjoying it more since she has always wanted a camera. Lozano is on the right path to achieving her goals by joining the newspaper, working hard to become a better photographer and Business Manager, and making this a successful year for The Downey Legend.