The Powderpuff 2023 season has BEGUN! Boys are practicing for their cheerleading performance, and the girls’ teams have begun their practices. The junior vs senior game will take place on April 6. Make sure to support your team this year!
Powderpuff is an annual all-girls flag football competition. Composed of a junior and senior team, the Powderpuff sports has many girls participating. The girls are being coached by football players Anthony Irons and David Perez. Senior practices occur on Monday and Wednesday, while juniors practice on Tuesday and Thursday.
P.E. teacher Judy Samaha began Powderpuff in Connecticut, in 1972. As a female athlete, her goal was to incorporate more women in athletic activities. Now widely adopted around the country, Powderpuff is a tradition that many girls (and male cheerleaders) participate in.
As more women compete and participate in male-dominated sports and activities, conversations arise on gender and its role in sports. One common example is X-League – a women’s American football league that has a history of controversy. Many critics argue against revealing uniforms that are mainly used for marketing purposes. Recently, the Lingerie Football League has been renamed the Legends Football League. As the issue of women’s rights and representation arises over the past decades, Powderpuff plays a new and important role to many of Downey’s players.
Make sure to see your Downey Vikings play on April 6. Go Vikings!