Being the goalie of a water polo team is a hard task to take on, but being able to take on the job and do it better than other athletes was what James Morrison, 12, did. With four seasons of experience, Morrison began in order to experience a different type of sport. “I wanted to try something different,” Morrison said, “and I enjoyed swimming my whole life so I decided to give it a try.” With his last season unveiling, he hopes to have 1000 saves before the end of the year. As he gets closer to graduation, he aspires to continue on with the sport. Concordia and Loyola Marymount University are two main programs, which post interest in his abilities. With only one league game left against Cerritos High School, goalie Morrison is counting on to making his 1000th save as a high school water polo player.
Ahtlete of the Week 10/26-11/1: James Morrison
Norma Flores, Sports Editor
October 27, 2012
About the Contributor

Norma Flores, Sports Editor
Norma Flores, 12, is a writer and photographer for The Downey Legend for the second year in a row. She wants to portray Downey High through images that kindle others to want to be involved with their campus. “I’ve always had an interest in writing and photography,” Flores said. “I would like to show others what I’m capable of.” A goal Flores has in mind is to be an FBI agent, criminal profiler, or a part of the Behavioral Analysis Unit because she is interested on how an individual’s mind is persuaded to commit a certain type of crime.
Her main interest is swimming, but she also enjoys reading books and writing whatever comes to her mind. Flores’s hobbies are working out and running because she feels free when doing so. One of her dreams is to become an Olympic swimmer. “I want to make my life worth it and would like to impact on other’s lives too, because the world has a lot to offer to us,” she said. “We shouldn’t conform because we each have some sort of role to play, and we should push ourselves over our own comfort zones and be daring.” Although Flores may have a lot to show to her peers regarding her capabilities, she may also inspire those who do not know her through the dedication expressed by her own skills.