On January 9th 2024, a day after President Daniel Noboa of Ecuador declared an “internal armed conflict,” an armed group crashed into the site of a TV studio, while cameras captured the whole incident and live hostage, shocking many viewers.
With Noboa’s declaration, the police were quick to respond and according to CNN News, the police confirmed that all armed men involved were in custody and all faculty under hostage were alive. A TV anchor, Jorge Rendon, described how the armed men entered the studio to force the anchors to say a message on behalf of the group. The state of emergency issued by President Noboa will last for 60 days until all disturbances have been reduced and strictly controlled.
CNN reported that in the cities in Ecuador, vehicles were set on fire and the intervention of security guards confronting an armed group, who were attempting to enter a hospital facility, in the city of Guayaquil.
DW News issued that the declaration issued by President Noboa authorized the military to move within the country “under United Nations international humanitarian law.”
DW News reported that this escalation is not the first for Ecuador, considering the fact this comes months following the assassination of Presidential Candidate, Fernando Villavicencio, who sought to keep peace and bring resolution to his country.
It is unclear what the future of this conflict could be. All we wish for is for Ecuadorians to remain safe. Ecuadorians living here should remain in touch with their relatives over in Ecuador. This conflict will eventually get resolved through a peaceful resolution.
For an in-depth look at the conflict and how it got to this point, Check out the AtlanticCouncil’s video that was conducted following President Daniel Noboa’s declaration.