You’ve probably seen- and maybe even worn- a pink ribbon during October to recognize National Breast Cancer Awareness Month to support those who have been diagnosed with, are battling, or are recovering from the disease.
The reason for spreading awareness about breast cancer is that it is the second leading cause of death among women worldwide. For many of you who don’t know what breast cancer is, breast cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the breast. There are many different types of breast cancer that can affect both women and men.
There are currently over 3.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States. The risk of breast cancer recurrence depends on the type and staging of the initial breast cancer. Typically, the highest risk of recurrence is during the first few years after treatment and decreases over time. Breast cancer is most common in American women, except for skin cancers.
Though breast cancer in the United States occurs primarily in middle-aged and older women, age is not the only risk factor for a breast cancer diagnosis. Many risk factors beyond age may contribute to a breast cancer diagnosis, and sometimes there are no discernable risk factors at all.
Downey High School has a Dig Pink game that is for breast cancer awareness month, which is to support the people who have had breast cancer. The event is to help people raise money for the people that have breast cancer and it’s really a wonderful experience to go see the game.
Although rare, men get breast cancer too, all people are born with some breast cells and tissue, including men.