Kavanaugh Confirmed: A Matter of Due Process or Prejudice?
October 29, 2018
Republican Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as Supreme Court Justice on Oct. 6 after a tough battle against a sexual assault allegation by Christine Blasey Ford and it is clear that the liberal left is not pleased with the outcome. Kavanaugh was put into the Supreme Court in a close vote at 50-48 with Democrat senator Joe Manchin and Republican senator Susan B. Collins breaking the draw and deciding they were with Kavanaugh. Meanwhile, conservatives find the confirmation as a blessing, seeing how Kavanaugh would further endorse the Trump administration. This political scenario begs questions on Ford’s claim on the premise of innocence before proven guilty.
Faults and Suspicions
Kavanaugh was going to be taken down on a single claim on something that happened 36 years ago. I ask why now, and not before. I find it odd that Ford brought the sexual assault to Dianne Feinstein, a politician, in an email and not a phone call to the police station years before. To me, it is almost as if it was an orchestrated attack on Kavanaugh. Oddly enough, Ricki Seidman in July before becoming Ford’s advisor admitted: “I do think that over the coming days and weeks there will be a strategy that will emerge, and I think it’s possible that that strategy might ultimately defeat the nominee.” Did we see any other strategy? Or did we all witness Ford make a politically driven claim against Kavanaugh amidst his confirmation? It is undeniable that the worst accusation that can be levied against a man, by a woman, is that of rape and sexual assault. As I see it, this points to conspiracy, a conspiracy which was tailored to destroy Kavanaugh’s career.
The left has a fixation on believing women in any sexual assault allegation, typically labeling such things as fact before it is ever really proven. Due process is sometimes even voided in such situations, as seen with Nikki Yovino’s court case on June 18, were two football players were falsely accused of raping her. Both students had to drop out from Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut and one was stripped of his scholarship before it was ever proven whether or not the accused were actually guilty. We see that if the moral standard to believe women is applied to the 65 women who knew Kavanaugh personally and wrote positive letters speaking about his comportment in high school, the liberal left would begin to question its own logic.
Ford’s Validity
Ford, a renowned psychologist, took the polygraph test, and she did not lie according to the results when confronted by the FBI about the allegations, but is this enough? The American Psychological Association has deemed the polygraph test an inconclusive form of determining the truth. Ford’s ex-boyfriend, whose name is censored by reporters, claims that she helped life-long friend Monica McLean prepare to pass a polygraph test, contradicting her statement under oath that she had never helped anyone prepare for the test before. Not only does Ford lack the evidence on the allegation, but it is also her word against the four of the five people she cited in the hearing were witnesses. They claim they did not remember that ever happening and one of the witnesses said that they do not remember the night. Mark Judge, the man who Ford claimed stopped the assault claims he himself has no recollection of the situation ever happening. Ford claimed at the hearing that she has absolutely no recollection of the most important figure in a situation like this, the one who would solidify her appearance at the party. Which would be the person who drove her home pointing to her lying about her presence at the party Kavanaugh was at.
FBI Investigation and Public Response
From both the sides of the political spectrum, questions continued to come, and the FBI committed an investigation on both Kavanaugh and Ford. The FBI found nothing, further pushing the notion that Ford’s claim has no evidence and no one to back it up. Statistics by the Washington Examiner state that thirty-eight percent of the forty percent of voters who were skeptical of the situation believed that they thought Ford was telling the truth after the hearing.
Final Thoughts
I fully believe Kavanaugh was innocent due to the lack of evidence and suspicions I had of Blasey Ford’s claim. I also fully believe in due process, where we should test the truth and deem the defendant innocent until proven guilty. While I do not fully endorse Republican beliefs, I do believe in the Constitution, and that fully drives my agenda.