Thousands of students filled the Allen Layne Stadium on Apr. 20 looking down onto the track for the 2011-2012 Spring Sports Assembly, despite the ninety-degree weather. From boys’ tennis to girls’ lacrosse, Downey High School teams were proud to represent themselves for the current season with their coaches, while Activities Director Gordon Weisenbuger shared details on some of the victories the athletes had accomplished.
“We continue to strive for the best here at Downey High, and we do just that with our sports teams as they compete for lead title, whether it’s track or swim,” said Weisenbuger. “I’m proud to introduce our current sports teams and their coaches.”
Unlike previous assemblies, sports teams played quick rounds of their own game to show what they had to offer, given that the event was open to all the high school students at once instead of being broken apart into two groups. Baseball and softball set up the bases on the field and attempted to make it home.
“I thought it was cool that we got to get out there and show the whole school a mini-game,” said junior Richard Gomez.
An assembly would not be an assembly without a performance by Downey’s Varsity cheer team, who placed second at Nationals this year. Their routine motivated the crowd to show more excitement as they danced to songs by Brittney Spears.
“It’s fun to be out here, but the heat is killing me!” said Sarah Black, 11.
Weisenburger continued to introduce the ongoing competitors: boys’ golf, track and field, lacrosse and swim. Once all were congratulated and excited the field, the crowd glanced down to see two all-girls teams that were unknown to them: Powderpuff. Ms.Hill stepped onto the track with an introduction to the school’s newest athletes:
“Our third annual Powderpuff game will be played on May. 11, junior girls versus the senior girls,” said Hill. “Seeing only the few practices we’ve had this week, I know it’s going to be an extremely competitive game!”
The two teams ran onto the field attempting to get the crowd to cheer whichever grade they were playing for, yelling and screaming, “Juniors! Seniors!”
“I’m so excited for the game!” Said junior player Darlene Verdugo. “ Last year the technical win may have gone to the seniors but a lot of us want everyone to know that juniors are going to truly dominate.”
After final news by the host, the crowds left both sweating and excited for the season ahead.