From adopting dogs from animal shelters and kittens from the B-building, to saving a pig from a bad home, the personnel of DHS have lent out a helping hand on numerous occasions. Genghis Khan, a street cat rescued by staff members Mark and Kitty Child, is yet another creature in need of a committed rescuer.
In history, Genghis Khan was a Mongolian warrior who was well known for being tough. It was because of this aggressive persona that Genghis Khan, a.k.a Khanie the cat, got his name. This feline was once a wild street cat that would constantly get into brawls. Seeing the danger that he might have potentially gotten hurt, Mark and Kitty Child decided to take him in, clean him up, get him neutered, and let him back out. They hoped that without his testosterone, he would get into fewer fights.
At the vet, a hernia was found in Khanie, so what needed to be one simple surgery turned into three—one to remove the hernia and the other two to correctly neuter him. Still being at the vet, they decided to run a full blood test to make sure he was healthy. It was then that the FIV was discovered.
FIV stands for Feline Immune Deficiency, which is a retrovirus, meaning it transfers only from species to species. FIV is the cat version of HIV. According to an employee of the Caring Friends Cat Rescue, “The FIV should not be a reason for Genghis Khan not to get adopted because it does not spread from cat to human.”
This organization is an organization dedicated to “rescue and rehabilitate” cats, and it has also placed Khan as a courtesy listing on Petfinder and other websites in order to help find him a new home.
Having several cats already at home, the Childs are faced with a dilemma that Mr. Child calls, moral and ethical. They feel that leaving the cat outside is ethically wrong because if he gets into a fight in defense and blood sheds, Khan can spread the disease; however, keeping him inside becomes a moral issue because he can spread it to their cats. There is also the fear of him getting sick outside and dying. So now, the Childs have a new houseguest in search of a loving home.
Other than the FIV, Khan is a healthy cat. He is a Siamese cat with tipped markings and icy blue eyes. This adult cat eats well and enjoys playing with his favorite toy—a gingerbread Christmas toy.
“I want him to go home with someone who really wants a kitty,” Mr. Child said. “He’s the kind of cat you just want to put a spiked collar on.”
He is completely potty trained and well behaved; Khan has been a pleasant houseguest. Yet, he still needs a stable loving home where he will not be in danger or put any other cats in danger—ideally, the only cat in the house.
“He is a wonderful cat who must be kept indoors,” Mrs. Child said, “if not he can spread the virus.”
ASB has also assisted in the search for a new home for Khanie. They have used all areas of their publicity including posters, announcements, and their Facebook page.
“I know he will get adopted soon because people will feel for him,” ASB Commissioner of Publicity Selena Dolmuz said. “He’s cute, and I hope he finds a home soon.”
Khanie needs a home. He has been a guest in a loving house for sometime now; yet, he yearns for a permanent home. If you’re looking for a kitty that is smart and witty, then Khanie is the perfect cat for you.
If interested in Khan please email Mr. Child at: