This past semester Downey High lost one of its veteran counselors to retirement at the end of the semester, but fortunately was replaced with two new-experienced counselors.
With the retirement of a great counselor, Ms. Riggs, Mr. Roman and Ms. Morse had fairly large shoes to fill when taking their new jobs.
“I am very excited to become a part of Downey High School’s counseling team,” Mr. Roman said.
These two new counselors are ready to take this new opportunity head on.
“Downey is much larger then any school I’ve worked at,” Ms. Morse said.
With the enormous number of students filling Downey High School it was almost nessesary to hire two new counselors to fill one position. Mr. Roman helps out freshmen and sophomores with last names that fall under PEREZ- L- SANTANA and Ms. Morse comes to the aid of juniors and seniors with last names that fall under the same group of names. This system of categorization makes dealing with grades easier to manage.
Ms. Morse was recently employed in the Anaheim Union High School District at Kennedy High School where she worked as a counselor. Prior to that she was a Special Education Counselor for the Temecula Valley Unified School District.
“Downey has more than 1 ½ times the student population of Kennedy High School,” Morse said.
She was rather shocked when she compared her previous schools to her new one.
“I am looking forward to meeting all of my students,” Roman said.
Both these new counselors seem to be very excited about their new jobs and are taking it with a headstrong mentality, which should leave no worries in the minds of the numerous Downey High School students.