Vernice Ortiz
On October 7, Brooke Cuttress, 12, and Joshua Franco, 12, displays what their modeling and photography jobs consist of outside of school, both having different personality’s enjoy working together as co-workers. Franco and his dad own Red Crew Films, where they photograph and video events, and LAModelMagazine, a fashion magazine with beauty tips and lifestyle guides; Cutress is their main model, but she also works for different companies such as Blim girl, for brands that endorse NASCAR, and can be seen in their ads and headers for their website and Facebook page.
Five questions with Brooke Cuttress and Joshua Franco
Starting over the summer, seniors Joshua Franco and Brooke Cuttress have been working as a photographer and a model. Franco approached Cuttress about modeling, which led to her becoming one of his models of LAModelMagazine, a fashion magazine that comes out every 3 months featuring beauty and health tips.
How did you get involved in modeling/photography?
Cuttress: It was all out of luck because I knew Josh. He asked me in the beginning of summer if I wanted to do a photo shoot, which led to me being on all their prints. Since then, I started working with sponsors of NASCAR as one of their blim girls, which means I am in most of the ads that endorse their products.
Franco: I started a business with my dad and our business partner a couple months ago. It’s actually two companies: Red Crew Films and LA Model Magazine. Red Crew Films is a basic photography and videography for all types of events.
What interests you the most about modeling/photography?
Cuttress: It’s simple. I really like taking pictures just for fun. I like that I am paid to be treated like a princess then getting my pictures taken. It drew me in because I saw t-shirt models, who were short and my size, and I knew I could do it.
Franco: I think the beauty of the picture. I just think it’s cool how you can take a normal scene and make it something mind blowing.
Who are your inspirations?
Cuttress: Cara Delevigne. She’s Rhianna’s best friend. She’s amazing.
Franco: I just follow my own style. I like the photos in the magazine, how they’re well taken, well thought out, and well edited, but I don’t have anyone specific I look up to.
Is modeling/photography something you see yourself doing in the future as a career?
Cuttress: As a career, no, I don’t want to do it. It’s more of a fun thing I’m doing right now.
Franco: I see it more as a side job than anything. Photography is a hobby for me.
What is something you’re looking forward to with modeling/photography?
Cuttress: Well, I actually have an interview today where I’ll go and take pictures and see if they’ll be interested in using me. I’m also going to be the face of a new t-shirt company called Purple Crushed Pill that’s coming out soon.
Franco: It’s already opened different doors for me to go to different events and meet different people. It’s been a great experience, and I can’t wait to see what other doors it opens in the future.