AP Classes Benefits

Gabriela Guzman, Writer

Most students who look forward to attending a college or university hope to take college courses in high school to earn college credits by passing the AP exams with a score of 3 or higher. Typically, students who are successful in AP classes normally have greater academic success in their future rather than those who don’t take AP courses.


College classes can also be harder in high school because of the different level of difficulty AP classes are. They generally are weighted more on a student’s GPA. Most students would say AP classes can benefit them in the future for their career paths. Some say that although AP classes can be challenging, they are also very rewarding and a great way to better their academic skills. For example, students learn better studying skills, learning habits, and overall life skills.


Student, Camilla Torres, 12, would agree that AP classes are beneficial by providing intellectual conversation that enriches her relationships. 


“All of my teachers have done a great job at providing all of the content needed for the exam,” Torres said. “Taking AP classes has affected my mental health greatly. I’ve had to learn to prioritize my sanity over my homework. Seeing so many things on my to-do lists, I feel the need to get them all done and limit my personal time. Having these classes has taught me that pacing myself is important and okay.”


Along with Torres, Joaquin Perez, 11, who is tackling AP Language and Composition this year, believes AP classes can be beneficial if students receive a good grade they‘ll benefit from the classes in the future. 


“They are beneficial because depending on who your teacher is you can learn skills that will provide you with a lifetime of knowledge,” Perez said. “It is super draining and overwhelming but can be rewarding when you receive a good grade.”


Like Perez, Mia Suarez, 10, hopes to pick up good organization skills and study habits because she will be taking her first AP class, due to being encouraged by peers. 


“I would normally think to see if it’d be a subject I would be interested in and be able to keep up with,” Suarez said. “I tend to ask people what they thought of the class and the teacher.”

Taking everything into consideration, students could look into taking AP classes to help benefit them in their future careers. For questions, you can reach out to the AP Coordinator, Mrs. Carlson at ccarlson@dusd.net or visit www.apstudent.collegeboard.org.