![Passionate about her performance on stage at the Downey High School Little Theatre, Sofia Hammond-Mota, 11, showcases her talent by playing as an elderly woman in the school's play, “Clue”, on November 18, 2021. “Usually as I’m waiting behind stage for my first entrance, I try to remember who exactly it is that I'm playing. [Since] I’m playing a neurotic older lady, I try to get into that mindset,” Hammond-Mota states. “I think about my first couple lines and how I say them and that sets the tone for the rest of the show.”](https://www.thedowneylegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/image5-1-900x600.jpg)
Daniela Varela
Passionate about her performance on stage at the Downey High School Little Theatre, Sofia Hammond-Mota, 11, showcases her talent by playing as an elderly woman in the school's play, “Clue”, on November 18, 2021. “Usually as I’m waiting behind stage for my first entrance, I try to remember who exactly it is that I'm playing. [Since] I’m playing a neurotic older lady, I try to get into that mindset,” Hammond-Mota states. “I think about my first couple lines and how I say them and that sets the tone for the rest of the show.”