The dance team held their annual dodgeball tournament on Friday, March 16 at 7 p.m. in the gym. A total of nine teams competed for the grand prize, a trophy.
The game started off with Dodgie Style and the Young Bucks competing for a spot in the next bracket. Dodgie style won, however, Young Bucks were given a chance to redeem themselves in their next bracket. The next game was against Cinnamon Council and Big Baller Brand. Big Baller Brand won and ended up advancing to the final round of the tournament. In the end the final game was against Big Baller Brand and Say Less.
Noah Skobis, 11, and his team, Say Less, managed to win the tournament against their opponents, Big Baller Brand.
“I’m just competitive so it was fun for me,” Skobis said. “We were the underdogs, we didn’t think we were gonna win. Everyone doubted us and we ended up winning. Last year I did it and it was a lot of fun. I’ll do it again next year.”
Each of the teams had come up with a creative ways to show their team spirit with color coordinated outfits. Say less wore sports jerseys. Others, like Cinnamon Council had custom shirts made for the event.
The only team consisting of mainly girls, except for their male coach was H2O. They managed to win the team spirit trophy.
A member of the H2O team, Nikoletta Anagnostou, 11, talks about how it felt to win the trophy.
“When I first saw all the boys, I didn’t think we would get any recognition,” Anagnostou said. “We won the first game we played. It was a miracle, we were so happy.”
Dance team member, Alyssa Gutierrez, 11, talks about how the fundraiser is a lot of fun and raises a lot of money in order for the team to go to Nationals.
“I think it’s just fun to watch how like into it everyone is,” Gutierrez said, “and like how involved people get into the tournament.”
All of the money the dance team raised in the competition will go towards their National Competition. In total, they raised $1,500. Nationals will take place on March 30.