AP Seminar Showcase
March 6, 2018
The students from AP Seminar organized a presentation about the AP Capstone program that has been newly included to the school this year and the presentation took place on February 21 from 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the Downey High School Library.
The purpose of this presentation was to encourage students to join the class next year and also to show some of the projects that the class was engage in. It started with an introduction from Mr. Broun, who is the teacher responsible for the class and then they moved to three group presentations.
During the presentations a group of three to four students talked about a specific subject that they chose during class. They talked about this subject with the help of a presentation that serve as a visual aid. After the presentation, the students were evaluated by Mr Broun who asked them analysis questions about what they presented.
Hannah Rott, 12, talked about her opinion about the course of AP Seminar and how it benefits the students that take it once they go to college.
“I feel like is an essential course because it teaches you what a college class is and it teaches you how to do research reports and how to write properly,” Rott said. “It gives you a setting of what you should expect at a college level.”
Gabriel Ramirez, 12, gave the advice to future students interested in this course to try to work ahead of time and remember their deadlines.
“I will recommend those who plan pm taking this course to take their deadlines seriously and always try to work ahead off time,” Ramirez said. “Those deadlines they might seem far off but in reality time moves pretty quickly when you are not doing anything.”
Dylan Ly, 12 talked about why he likes the class of AP Seminar and how the class provides you with a lot of independence to work in their personal research.
“I like it, it’s a cool class to be in and we get to do a lot of individual work,” Ly said. “A lot if it is that you learn how to be independent and get your work done and I like that.”
Students interested in this class should talk to their respective counselor as soon as possible. If you are looking for information about AP Seminar or the AP Capstone program contact Mr. Broun or visit him on Room B-211.