Amairanni Triana
On Nov. 8, Preston Medina, 11, looks through his Vine to see how many people have posted new videos, near the bell tower. Vine was founded in June of 2012 by Dom Hofmann, Rus Yusupov, and Colin Kroll.
Students have been raving over a popular app called Vine—a Twitter-owned app established in January that allows a user to film a 6 second video to share with over 40 million other “Viners.”
Vine users make a profile in which they can follow other users and make their own video clips. The users have a timeline full of videos made by the people that they follow but if the user feels like exploring they can look under the categories—comedy, art and experimental, cats, dogs, family, beauty and fashion, etc.
Although the app only allows followers to make six-second or less videos, users have learned how to make the most of those seconds. Most Vines are comedic clips that are relatable to real life.
Sophomore Daniel Nasr is interested in the app because of the reality of the videos.
“I like how everything is relatable and understandable,” Nasr said. “It all relates to you and what people do in their lives.”
Junior Preston Medina likes the simplicity of Vine and how easy it is for him to make videos randomly.
“YouTube has all those steps for uploading,” Medina said, “but Vine is just really simple and easy.”
Some students make their own Vine videosand actually have become popular school Viners such as Medina. He has made Vine clips where he tells his mom something that upsets her just to film her reaction.
Medina Vines without planning them. “It was just right there,” Medina said, “at the time I was just like let’s do it! And people ended up liking them and thinking they were funny.”
Word about this new app got out fast among the students. The app has become so appealing to students that they made accounts just so they could watch the videos.
Junior Jasmine Acosta explained she made a Vine account just for that specific reason. “I don’t even make Vines,” Acosta said, “I just made the account to watch other people’s Vines.”
The app’s most popular videos are made by a series of comedians, actors, and ordinary, everyday people. Some popular Vine users include Robby Ayala, Brittany Furlan, Curtis Lepore, King Bach, KC James, and Simone Shepard.
Some Viners have a unique way of catching the eye of their followers. Vine user Bat Dad is known for recording himself with a Batman mask on and talking to his kids and wife in a deep and slow voice, imitating Batman. Curtis Lepore often Vines his dog, Buster Beans, doing humanlike things. Other users, such as Tom Vrab, have a weekly Vine that they do. Vrab films himself and his friend, Jenna, in a Vine hash tagged “Friday Night Girls Night” where he crosses dresses into a obscure woman’s outfit and imitates a dramatic girl.
It is common to see various popular users in the same Vines. Now that they have gained a large audience they collaborate with each other, creating an even larger audience. An example of these collaboration videos is a clip in which Curtis Lepore, King Bach and Christian Delgrosso act out life with phones and life without phones. In the first few seconds they take pictures of themselves and text and make phone calls and in the next clip of the video they stand outside and stare at bushes and begin to kick and butcher them out of boredom.
The rave over Vine has become so popular around school that people can catch students Vining around campus and talking about their favorite clips in class. Vine has not been out a year, but has still gained widespread recognition. The six-second video app has now become one of the main social media apps that students use.