Zainub Tremasi
As the window of opportunities for college applications rapidly shrinks, Omar Almanza, 12, applies online, in advance, in the library, to receive approval from his two favorite colleges: Cal State Long Beach and Cal State Poly Pomona. Almanza has attempted to complete his first college essay by writing about his faith in music.
October marks the beginning of the season when students turn in applications to colleges and universities across the globe, jump starting the anticipation from students and parents alike.
These expectations, however, also come with anxiety and nerves from applicants. Big name universities tend to intimidate even the top students because of their outstanding academic reputations.
“I feel really anxious,” Minji Kim, 12, said. I know that there is a big pool of applicants and that amount of competition makes me nervous,”
Kim is preparing applications that are to be sent to schools like University of California Los Angeles, University of Southern California, and Boston University. She is even sending applications to CSU schools. Though CSU schools are considered to be less prestigious, the same amount of nerves applies to both types of applications for Kim because she knows of the importance of diversity. She is taking everything into consideration for the sake of her future success.
Like Kim, Alejandra Roque, 12, is also going through the application process.
“I’m applying because I know that it’s the right thing to do,” Roque, 12, said. “I want to be in the medical field and I know I won’t succeed if I don’t go to school.”
Roque recognizes the importance of furthering one’s education by going to college, so she is pushing herself to send in applications to schools like UC Irvine, UC San Diego, and UCLA. Although nerves tend to get to her too, she is also excited to send these applications in because any one of them can be life changing. She is also excited for this opportunity because she knows that not everyone gets the opportunity to go to college. This opportunity presents itself with great complications like application fees and low admission rates, but she has involved herself in activities like tennis and Key Club in an attempt to make herself stand out. Although activities like these require attention and prioritization, it will be worth it when acceptance letters come around.
“Applications and the stress really can be exhausting,” Omar Almanza, 12, said,” but the applications are starting to look really good, so I’m glad I was smart about my participation in high school. I know it’ll pay off.”
Almanza’s participation in music programs like marching band and jazz band will hopefully help make him successful with colleges because they will see his activities and know that he was on top of things. Almanza’s involvement gives him a positive outlook, even if the nerves are still there. The positivity and the nerves combined with his excitement create a happy medium for him.
Completing and submitting these applications makes a combination of an anxious and exciting atmosphere for seniors. Whether it be acceptance or rejection, seniors will know that they at least did as much as they could to the best of their abilities to be admitted into their dream schools.