Comedy Sportz games are typically filled with laughter, so the match on June 6, in the B-building theatre, was no exception; the only difference is DHS played against itself. During the first half of the game, the Downey High Comedy Sportz vets played against newbs, and in the second half, DHS teachers played against some actletes. The vets would come out victorious against the newbs, proving that they have much to learn, but a surprising twist showed that the teachers would conquer the Comedy Sportz arena.
The first game played was I Can Do It Better, where both teams must try to accomplish having the most players in the scene at the end of the 4 minutes, and there can only be a total of three players in the scene. This is an acting game, and both teams proved to be hilarious when trying to do something better than the other team, like acting “waaaaaaaaaaay more interested than that guy”. The newbs won this game, proving their worthiness of being on the team.
“This game is very entertaining,” senior Martin Lopez said, “and you’ll always get a laugh out of it, and there’s always a joke for all ages. I come to support my friends who are on the team.”
Since the Blue newbie team won the first game, they got to choose the second solo game they would play: Interrogation. In this game, two team members must step out and let the audience decide what crime they committed. In this case, the two boys, Marco Arroyo and George Aldaco, were caught riding a turtle with Leonardo da Vinci in Graceland, but they did not know this was a crime, so the two interrogators’—Bridgette Leon and Melina Lockhart—objective is to get the offenders to admit to the crime. The boys did not manage to guess the punch lines the girls made, but they did guess they were with Leonardo da Vinci, and they were able to earn enough laughs to get ahead by one point.
The Red vets team garnered the more laughs, though, with their game of Four Square. They had to create scenes centered on topics provided by the audience, like pandas, interspace, dinosaurs, and scars. Senior Randell Milan earned the most laughs from the audience with his panda impersonation. The round ended with the vets behind by one, 6-5.
The teams played two more games, Blind Line for the Blue newbs and Slide Show for the Red Vets. The Blue team proved to be superior yet again, earning them chuckles from the audience and 6 more points. They played 185 to end the first half. The joke is, “185 bikes walk into a bar. The bartender says, ‘We don’t serve bikes here,’ and the bikes say, ‘Awe come on, we’re tired’,” ending the joke with a clever punch line to match the noun provided, since it is interchangeable. The Red team excelled at this game, making jokes for Lego’s, Wallabies, cheese, hatchets, tile, and a train. Because the veteran players had so much experience, they dominated the game, thus, making them the winners with a score of 20-19.
After the intermission, teachers Miss James, Mrs. Roybal, Mrs. Nastase, and Mr. Navarro took the stage as the Blue team, while Randell Milan, Javier Navarro, Jose Velasquez, and Patrick Solis took the stage representing the Comedy Sportz team in red.
“Javier Navarro ran our practice sessions and he is amazing, so it was great,” Miss James said. “This is my second game—I did the one last year—and I had a blast. It was excellent.”
Since the teachers are not official team members, it is expected that they would be the underdog in the game, but they managed to get laughs and chuckles from the audience in the game Expert Challenge and The Dating Game. By the end of the first round, the Blue team was ahead by 11 and the Red team had zero points, to much surprise.
In round two, the Red team earned five points for the funny scenes created in the game Slide Show, but it was still not enough, for the teachers team was still ahead by 6 points. Finally, in the last round, the referee introduced the game Mystery Bag. In this game, the audience provides items to the reff, and he then displays the items to the teams, who have to us the item in a way that is different than its intended purpose. The Blue team excelled at this game, but the Red team’s score was catching up to the Blue team’s. In the end, the teachers won the match, 21-20.
While the score was tallied up, Comedy Sportz Manager Randell Milan announced the 2012-2013 school year’s team manager as Javier Navarro, and his Co-Manager is Valerie Chavez. Both were very surprised and very grateful.
“I did not expect to get Co-Manager at all!” Chavez, 10, said. “I’m so excited, and I already have goals ready, and I know Javi [Navarro] and I will do an awesome job next year getting the word out about Comedy Sportz.”
Although this game was played with students and teachers within Downey High, the competitive atmosphere was no different than any other game, and the fun-filled plans the new managers have for next year are sure to be a hit with the Comedy Sportz crowd.