The senior class of 2011 congregated to the gymnasium to discuss the final senior status on April 30. The senior assembly is designed to inform seniors on their last activities and, mostly, on their requirements to graduate. More than 900 seniors met at the gym to listen to the administrators and the activities coordinator, Mr. Weisenburger, regarding the senior update. The assembly covered events such as: senior activities, Grad Night, Prom, and Graduation.
ASB member Sara Paik agrees that the Senior Assembly is effective.
“I think the seniors deserve an assembly to know all the information needed to continue,” Paik said, “ I think that listening to speakers will remind them before it’s too late.”
The most emphasized topic was Graduation. Seniors, in order to graduate, must obtain 220 credits in their high school courses. Students still needing credits must raise their current credit score to meet the 220 requirement. Administrator Mr. Nevarez implores students to get in their credit requisites.
“Students need to graduate!” Nevarez said, “it’s like a passing to the future each senior must accomplish.”
Other information included Grad Night. Grad night will be held at Boomers in Irvine. Mr. Wisenburger also referenced prom and how close the event will be. Prom will be held on Friday, May 13 at the Global Amphitheatre at Universal City Walk.
All the information from the senior assembly was printed out on a handout passed to the seniors at the conclusion. Senior Hiro Azuma claims the assembly is vital.
“I think having an assembly helps remind them,” Azuma said, “the seniors must be presented with the material so it can be embedded in their minds.”
The senior assembly proved its purpose and presented all the materials necessary for seniors to continue the year fluidly.