As Advanced Placement tests are rolling in, students are frantically preparing to pass the hardest tests of the year. Advanced Placement testing takes place in the first two weeks of May. Students who take the class and pass the test may obtain college credit for their future universities. The respective test focuses on the entire course and determines if the student deserves the credit. The AP Courses offered at Downey High School include: Calculus, United States History, European History, English (Literature and Language), Psychology, United States Government, Microeconomics, Spanish, Biology, and Music Theory.
Teachers have been wildly reviewing to make sure their work proved effective. AP United States History teacher Ms. James thinks highly of her students and has upmost confidence.
“I think my students are going to do very well in this exam, “ James said, “Usually, students do not think they retain all of the information, but they know more than they think they do.”
To remind themselves all their courses’ information, students tend to buy study books on their specific subjects. The review books are designed to remind the students of the material they have already learned. AP Spanish Teacher Mrs. Roybal claims the beneficial use of these practice books and tests.
“I think students have the potential to pass all the tests they take,” Roybal said, “I teach my kids with multiple practice tests because the students should feel familiar with the exam.”
Another form of effective study is taking AP practice exams. These practice exams are usually included in the study books and are also available online. College Board—the organization responsible for AP test creation and distribution—releases past AP tests to help students familiarize themselves with the exams. AP European History is usually a sophomore’s first AP test. Sophomore Solange Astudillo feels tense when acknowledging the test.
“It’s too official,” Astudillo said, “I think the Euro exam will be inherently difficult because of the precedent set by the teachers and past AP students.”
This test will make the students familiar with the AP examination process and hopefully lead them to future success.