Almost 10 years after the original game release, Blumhouse is producing “Five Nights At Freddy’s” into a film. Originally supposed to be produced in 2015, the movie’s production was delayed due to cast changes, crew changes, and very drastic script alterations. Now starring Josh Hutcherson, Matthew Lillard, and Elizabeth Lail, it officially opened on October 27th, 2023, and made $78 million in its opening weekend.
The first game of the series came out in 2014 and became widely popular among the YouTube ‘Letsplay’ community, including creators like Markiplier, Jackspeticeye, Pewdiepie, and MatPat. The horror game received a mass following practically overnight. From children to adults, everyone loved the game and was beyond excited. Including 9 games, 3 books, and hours worth of lore, millions of people were anticipating the release.
In honor of the FNAF movie, we had the opportunity to interview Ethan Garcia, 12, who shared his opinion on the film and nostalgia.
“I was excited because I followed the game growing up. I remember it being announced as a kid and just feeling excited.” Garcia says. “Other generations grew up with Mario and Mortal combat and stuff, but this is what we grew up on, Five Nights at Freddie’s. To finally see it, something I did my whole childhood to be made into a movie when I’m finally almost an adult, it’s a crazy experience.”
Sam Sandoval, 12, also shared her thoughts on the upcoming movie. “The idea of a movie is kind of weird but not unexpected,” Sandoval said. “I am excited to see how well the storyline will connect to the game.”
A lot of people are excited about this upcoming movie and curious about how similar it will be to the game. With a runtime of 1 hour and 50 minutes, hopefully Blumhouse will do it justice.