Breaking Benjamin is on a roll with release of their new album Ember. With the release of their first single, “Red Cold River” on Jan. 5, fans have been waiting for an album to come out.
In the song “The Dark of You”, Burnley brought in singer-dancer Derek Hough to help with a fresher contrast against Burnley’s rougher vocals.
Jessica Flores, 12, likes their move to more of a darker album and feels as if they should bring in more of a fresher contrast for other songs.
“This album is by far the darkest I’ve seen Breaking Benjamin get and it gives the feeling that they understand where their fans are feeling in a way,” Flores said. “I don’t know exactly who Derek Hough is but I like the sound he brings to this song.
With this being their sixth album, fans are excited to see where else they will go.
Immer Cabrera, 11, has been listening to them since their fourth album.
“I don’t know how I feel towards this album because their other albums aren’t as dark like this one is so I feel like if they made it less dark I would like it,” Cabrera said. “This band is great but the album can have some work done on it to make it better.”
Chris Macias, 12, believes Benjamin Burnley is taking this album to the level.
“They are trying something new and different, I like the new approach they tried,” Macias said. “This album is really great and I love their new song ‘Save Yourself’ it brings me some good vibes.”
Breaking Benjamin’s lead man, Benjamin Burnley founded the band in 1999 and has been producing all of their music and albums since then.