Following the success of her first single off the Born to Die album, Lana Del Rey released her ghostly blend of love and longing song “Born to Die” in late 2011. The tune has been receiving much attention due to the success and high rank of the previous single “Video Games” on the British singles charts. In the melody, Del Rey gives listeners an insight of her frame of mind as a teenager. She mixes up alternative genres with indie pop, soul, and slight hints of hip-hop. Her beautiful, soft voice sings, “Don’t make me sad/ don’t make me cry/ sometimes love is not enough/ and the road gets tough…” giving the song a feeling of despair, yearning and emotional freedom. The affection in Del Rey’s compassionate and mesmerizing voice and the compelling chorus fills the track with intrigue and mystery with the troubles of young love. Del Rey, with the enchanting and seductive allure to her songs, has divided audiences and critics on what to perceive of her indie pop sound.
A ghostly blend of love
Dinorah Acuna, Writer
February 29, 2012
About the Contributor

Dinorah Acuna, Writer
Senior Dinorah Acuña is a first year writer for The Downey Legend, and is also an aspiring student inspired by the fact that she will be the first person in her family to go to college. From the many subjects in school, her interests remain in math, science, and literature. Originally from Arizona, Acuña believes that hard work, responsibility, and respect are essential to a person. She is active in her community with the Normaneers club on campus and likes to do things that involve the outdoors. In addition to her participation in school, the Downey Legend writer has great social skills and does not tolerate violence or selfishness.
Acuña joined The Downey Legend because she wants to continue her involvement at Downey High. With a voice in the newspaper, she hopes to share her writing and to make students feel a connection with their school. “I believe nothing is impossible,” Acuña says. She is confident that her positivity can significantly contribute to The Downey Legend. The amiable writer hopes to become a successful part of a working environment. Her goal is to make the newspaper better and to get people interested in being a part of Downey’s Viking pride.