After finishing her fantasy novel, Queen’s Rogue, senior, Shannon Regalbuto, is putting the finishing touches on her book and getting ready to have it self published on Amazon.com. Regalbuto has been telling stories since she was a child, which is no disadvantage seeing as she has been working on her novel since the 7th grade.
“I really want to be a published author,” Regalbuto said. “Knowing that there would be people out there reading my book is amazing.”
Regalbuto’s family has been supportive and has been helping her every step of the way. They have read her book, and now are editing the final copy. For the cover art, the young author said that she will be having an audition at her church in order to find the perfect design for her book. Regalbuto is nervous about how the public will respond to her work.
“I’m worried that people won’t want to buy my book, Regalbuto said. “I’m 50/50 about what the outcome will be, but, if one copy is sold, then this will have been a success.”
Queen’s Rogue is the first in Regalbuto’s Gallroc Trilogy. After finishing the first book, she started on her second novel, which is already under progress. Her stories revolve around werewolves and humans fighting each other during the sixteenth century over a course of 900 years. There is a prophecy among the humans that a human female will end the war and a prophecy among the werewolves that a werewolf male will end the war. However, there is a problem, as none of these two want to fight each other.
Regalbuto’s inspiration arises from Louis L’more, a very successful writer. His stories are still being published long after he is gone, and Regalbuto would like to have the same success.
“I made this book to help pay for college,” Regalbuto said. “My dad has always been an amateur writer and wanted to get me published.”
With the completion of her novel, Regalbuto hopes to become a well-known and successful author.