After countless hours of practice and determination, the Drama department enacted their first musical production of the year, “Little Shop of Horrors,” from May 10 to the 14.
Based on the film by Roger Corman, “Little Shop of Horrors” proved to be an enticing franchise among the students. The large and exquisite plants, the comedy, and the actors worked together hand in hand to make sure that every aspect of the show was enacted to its full potential. With so much practice on hand and a leader like Drama teacher Lars Hansen, the cast and crew were sure to succeed.
“It was our first musical under my direction,” Mr. Hansen said. “It was quite a challenge and definitely the hardest that I and the cast and crew have ever worked on a play.”
Upon entering the theatre, a mixed sense of mystery and grandeur captivated the audiences’ attention. The stage was set and all the actors were in place. Once the clock struck 7 p.m., the lights dimmed and the show began.
“The set we built for the play made things very realistic,” Audrey enactor Selena Dolmuz said. “It definitely made the audience feel more engaged in the show.”
Scene by scene, the grumbling Mushnik (Nick Mezeraani) along with his two workers Seymour (Carlos Gamboa) and Audrey (Selena Dolmuz) had to deal with the blood sucking plant named Audrey II (David Diaz). Though it brought in the needed attention to the Skid Row Florist, the plant took its toll by eventually eating the trio.
“It ends in a way that makes the audience feel bad for each character,” Skip Snip Ensemble actress Francis Flores said. “Even though he fed people to the plant, he did it out of love and that created sympathy from the audience.”
Eventually, the cast came back to life as zombie-like humans to warn the audience of the harm the carnivorous plant could portray. Now that the moment of suspense was set up, long and eerie vines fell from the ceiling and the lights shut off. The play had officially come to an end.
“I love how the show ended in a bang,” attendee Jenny Ramos said. “The dark room, the vines, the awkward silence, it all added up to a great finish.”
With performances throughout the week, the student and administrative responses shown to be completely positive. After pulling off a musical that combined both comedy and seriousness, much is to be expected of these student actors and actresses.
Matt Estrada • Jun 1, 2011 at 12:47 AM
such a great show – saw it twice