In sea of stars at Downey High, senior Adelita “Lita” Vanegas colors the sky with her one-of-a-kind designs, adding some pizzazz each day she walks on campus. Whether she’s wearing something she made herself, or something she picked up at a sales rack, this fashionista has a style that cannot be replicated. She is that bright dress in a designer’s collection that makes everyone say “wow.” Downey’s rising designer says she feels that her unique outfits make her school day more exciting and serves as a motivation throughout the year. This senior uses fashion as a way to express herself.
“How you dress is how you feel,” says Vanegas, who surely follows this fashion philosophy as she is not afraid to be herself and show it everyday.
Catching Vanegas in the hall is like catching a glimpse of fashion’s future.
“My goal is to one day design clothes,” says the aspiring designer.
Whether it is metallic gold trimmings on a bag, bold knits, or over the top colors splashed throughout her outfit, what this chic chick wears cannot be recreated. Her clothing is eccentric, yet dazzling, and from skirts to coats what she creates is fresh and unique. Although she says she often gets requests for designs, Vanegas is currently producing clothes only for herself.
Even though she is obviously naturally talented, this stylista needs inspiration to harvest her talent. Vanegas finds creative stimulation from everything around her and says that someone, or something inspires every person’s style. Her personal source of inspiration comes from people such as Madonna and Salvatore Dali, and places such as the LA fashion district, and her emotions that day.
At 17, this senior is showing what real fashion is. Like breathing, Vanegas says fashion is natural; she shows her true colors and is her self all with impeccable style
“I think what she does, and how she dresses is really cool, you can tell she’s unique,” says Sally Garcia, a junior who has seen the artist around school.
It is evident that Vangeas has caught the eye of many students here, and it is hard not to respect her for her individuality. She’s a perfect model for students across campus, unintentionally teaching us that you can be yourself and look it too!